“Hi, I’m Justin Baldoni and over at Wayfarer we’ve been working on our new season of Man Enough, a show we created for men who want to talk about what it means to be a man, how we can embrace that, how we can ditch old stereotypes and just be better men… better humans.
And then this virus arrived and I realized that right now, we need men to be strong in so many different ways. So how do we do that? How do we show up for the ones we love? How do we take care of ourselves? How can we support each other? Today.
So I’m not waiting for season two, and I’m starting now, our sponsors have stepped up and said, let’s do it so we’re doing it! We’re hosting a series of conversations with people who we hope can help.
But we’re not doing this alone, we want to hear from you. How are you feeling? What are you going through? What do you need?
Maybe we can come out of this stronger men and “Man Enough” to face whatever comes next.”