You Are Enough

Man Enough:
I don’t know what, or who, has led you here— to this site, this book, this day, this season in your life. But I do know that you carry an innate goodness, an enoughness, simply because you are human, and you exist. If there is one thing that you take from this book, or even just this note, let it be this: you are enough.
It is the simplest phrase and yet, if you’re anything like me, believing it has been so complicated. Our worth gets buried under the messages of who the world tells us to be, under our mistakes, shame, and pain. And for me as a man, it’s also buried under the armor and performance of masculinity.
This book is my attempt to share the stories that have played into me putting on the armor over the course of my life, and to share what I have begun to find underneath the armor. It is an exposure of my humanity in hopes that it invites you into yours.
Because it is in our humanity that we discover that we are enough—that we always have been.
And that enoughness—our worth—will never change.
But if we are brave enough to believe it, the world just might.
— Justin Baldoni
Las consecuencias de la masculinidad tradicional nos afectan en todas las áreas de nuestras vidas. No sólo las sufren las mujeres, sino también nuestros amigos, familiares, compañeros y, sobre todo, nosotros mismos.
También han afectado a Justin Baldoni, que ha decidido explorar algunas de las facetas más importantes de la experiencia masculina —el valor, el éxito, la raza, la sexualidad, las relaciones o la paternidad— para entender cómo la concepción social de «ser un hombre» nos hace daño y limita. Sus reflexiones y vivencias abren un debate en el que podemos descubrir y curar nuestras heridas más profundas para, por fin, decidir libremente qué clase de hombre queremos ser.
Este es un testimonio íntimo que nos invita a explorar nuestra propia vulnerabilidad, a emprender nuestro propio viaje entre nuestra cabeza y nuestro corazón. Estas páginas son el camino en el que recordarás que eres suficiente tal como eres.
“Lo suficientemente hombre” puede ser el primer gran paso de tu sanación y, con ella, la del resto de hombres, mujeres y niños en tu vida.” —Eugenio Derbez
Ser “lo suficientemente hombre” es mirar hacia nuestro interior, entender y redefinir la masculinidad para así crecer como seres humanos.” —Jaime Camil
Justin Baldoni es actor, director, fundador de Wayfarer Studios y de Wayfarer Foundation y, ante todo, un devoto bahá’í. Además de su conocido papel coprotagonista en la serie Jane the Virgin, Justin ha pasado la última década explorando, entendiendo y cambiando lo que significa ser un hombre. Esto le llevó a impartir su famosa charla TED, producir el programa Man Enough y, ahora, a escribir este libro.


Get more out of ‘Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity’ with the reading guide.

Founder of Together Rising

Netflix’s Queer Eye
Download the official Harper Collins 'Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity' reading guide.
Justin Baldoni is an actor, director, producer, entrepreneur, and changemaker whose efforts are focused on creating impactful media and entertainment. He is the creator and director of CW’s “My Last Days,” an uplifting documentary series about life as told by courageous people living with a terminal illness, and the creator of “Man Enough,” the dinner conversation series which dives into traditional masculinity. Baldoni made his feature film directorial debut in March 2019 with “Five Feet Apart” for CBS Films and Lionsgate, which went on to become CBS Films’ third highest grossing film of all time earning over $91 million worldwide. Most recently, Baldoni established Wayfarer Studios to further create purpose-driven content. He directed and produced Wayfarer Studios’ first film project, “CLOUDS,” which is now streaming on Disney+. The film is Disney’s first-ever narrative acquisition on its global platform. Next, Baldoni is set to direct “Hold Back the Stars” for Lionsgate. Justin also serves as founder and chairman of The Wayfarer Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the way communities see and respond to the needs of people experiencing homelessness.


92nd Street Y
April 27, 2021, 5:00pm EDT
HOSTED BY 92nd Street and Y
Join Justin Baldoni — director of Disney+ Clouds and Lionsgate’s Five Feet Apart, producer, actor (Jane the Virgin), and co-founder of Wayfarer Studios and The Wayfarer Foundation — for a candid conversation on the state of masculinity in the 21st century.

premiere collectibles
April 28, 2021, 3:00pm EDT
Tune into our streaming event as this author goes live to sign copies of their latest book and answer questions from fans like you.

Sixth & I
Apr 28, 2021, 7:00pm EDT
In his debut book Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity, actor and director Justin Baldoni explores masculinity by digging deep within himself and the scripts he’s learned since childhood. Through bold and transparent storytelling, he tackles difficult and sometimes uncomfortable topics including strength and vulnerability, relationships and marriage, body image, sex and sexuality, racial justice, gender equality, and fatherhood. Baldoni shares the essential tools he has discovered on his journey, inviting readers to define for themselves what it means to be “man enough” and, more importantly, to be human in today’s world.